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Trees no doubt make your garden more picturesque, but those leaves can create a mess on the gravel. If you have a lot of trees, leaves can scatter all over the place. Can you use a leaf blower to clear things up or will it make things worse? You are in the right place as we will explain the pros and cons of using a leaf blower on gravel.
A leaf blower can pick up leaves and seedpods on gravel. Use the lowest setting on your blower for the best results. Some leaf blowers can be used to pick up stones and twigs, but be careful as they can clog the nozzle.
How to Use a Leaf Blower to Remove Gravel Leaves
First you have to determine if a leaf blower is needed at all. In some cases a rake will do just fine. If you are using a rake, move it towards you and try not to get any of the gravel. If there is a huge pile of leaves everywhere, a leaf blower will produce faster results.
For this type of work, we suggest the Craftsman B215 25cc 2-Cycle Blower. It has just the right amount of power, and you can control it so the blower does not mess up the gravel.
Step 1
Wear safety goggles and ear plugs. Make sure there are no people within 50 feet of you. If you are using a gas blower, add the fuel. If you are using an electric blower, plug it into the power source and turn it on. For a battery powered blower it has to be fully charged.
You can avoid a lot of potential problems by inspecting the area first. Remove any large stones, metal objects, garden tools, coins or anything that could get lodged in the nozzle.
Since you will be using the lowest setting, it might take a while to clear the leaves. The best approach is to focus on one area at a time.
Step 2
Set the blower at the lowest setting. Aim the nozzle at the gravel, turn it on and watch it clear leaves. If you have a large yard, work on one section at a time. Collect the leaves in one pile, trying to get as much of it as you can.
The blower might also pick up twigs and some stones. Depending on the blower it may be able to handle this or not. At the lowest setting most will not be able to pick any stones. If all you want is to clear the leaves, it should be fine.
If the blower displaces some gravel, use a rake to put them back in place. When you are done, put the leaves in a bag and do manual clearing up of any leftover leaves.
Step 3
Once you are finished clearing, move on to the next section in your yard. Keep repeating until all the leaves are collected. You can mulch or dispose of them.
Safety Guidelines for Using Blowers on Gravel
Wear safety goggles before starting, and do not take it off until you are finished. If you are using a powerful blower a lot of stones and other debris could fly off Safety goggles will provide protection.
You can use a standard leaf blower or turn into a vacuum.. Whichever option you choose, remove the leaves before they get wet. Wet leaves in gravel are hard to remove and they are heavier compared to dry ones. That puts more pressure on the blower to work.
Gravel stones come in different sizes, so you might need some trial and error to find the right setting. Tart at the lowest. If you need more force to pick up leaves, increase it. Having a rake is handy so you can put the stones back in place if they get carried away.
Even a powerful blower will hard time clearing wet foliage. So the best time to do this is in late spring or summer. Wait for the leaves to dry before using a blower.
If you are using an electric blower such as the Sun Joe SBJ597E, keep track of the cord. You might move too far and it gets pulled out of the power outlet.
For battery blowers, you can keep going until it loses charge. These are ideal for small to medium size yards but may require multiple recharging on a large garden.
If the blower suddenly halts or makes weird noises, it probably got clogged up. Turn the machine off and check the nozzle. A twig or stone likely got stuck there. Remove it and try the blower again.

Which Leaf Blower Works Best on Gravel?
Gas leaf blowers are the best for working on large gravel areas. Cordless blowers are suitable for small yards. If you want to use a vacuum attachment, a corded blower is your best bet.
Gas Leaf Blowers
If you have to clear up a lot of leaves and other debris, this is what you should go for. Going full throttle is not a good idea – it will mess up the gravel – but if you have a large area covered with gravel, using a gas blower is the quickest solution.
The lowest setting on a gas blower should be enough to remove most of the dry leaves. If there are any left over a rake will do the job.
Electric Blowers
Some prefer using a leaf blower to get rid of leaves on gravel. Others want a vacuum attachment. If you want to use a vacuum however, you have to use a corded leaf blower. Those attachments are rarely found on gas and cordless models.
An electric blower is not as powerful as gas, but you do not need a lot of power for gravel work. One benefit is that electric blowers are cheaper and less noisy. You also have unlimited power as long as it is plugged in.
The only limitation is in your movement. You can only go as far as the cord will allow you. This also assumes that you have an outlet that can be used outdoors. Even if you do, the cord will limit your mobility. This will only be a factor if you have a large area to work on however.
Battery Blowers
Battery leaf blowers will work fine on small yards. You get full mobility and it is less noisy than gas. Since full power is not needed, that will not be a factor.
The only real issue with battery leaf blowers is the need to recharge. If you have a good sized yard, your work might be interrupted by charging. So it is a good idea to check the runtime so you will know how much you can get out of it.
So the best leaf blower depends on the type of gravel work you have to do. By planning ahead, you can avoid complications.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will my leaf blower damage flower beds and plants if I use it to remove leaves on gravel?
No, it will not. As long as you use the lowest setting there should be no issues. If you go full throttle it could cause damage, so avoid that option.
Will a leaf blower work as well as a vacuum?
Both should work fine. Some prefer one over the other, but for pulling up leaves in gravel, both will do. The most important factor is to ensure the leaves are dry. If they are wet, it will make it harder for the blower to work.
Is a blower really better than a rake?
For large piles of leaves, a leaf blower will do the job fast and more efficiently. If you only need to remove a few, a rake will suffice. And you do not have to choose one over the other. You can use a blower first then clear the leftover leaves with a rake.
My leaf blower is messing up my gravel. What should I do?
You probably have the blower on maximum throttle. Go with the lowest option and move further away. It is also possible that your blower is too powerful, and a less potent model might be better.

I love the outdoors and all the tools for maintaining gardens, yards and lawns. The only thing I am more passionate about is sharing what I know about garden and outdoor equipment.